Justus Kavoi is a socio-economist and extension specialist based at the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization ALRO) Katumani Research Centre. Dr. Justus Kavoi holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension (specialized in Agricultural Innovation Systems) from Egerton University; MSc degree (By search) (Specialized in sustainable livelihoods) from the University Greenwich, United Kingdom; a Hon. BSc degree in Agricultural Economics from Egerton University and a Diploma (with Distinction) in Range Management from the then Egerton College. He has worked with the former Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) various capacities since 1988, based at KARI-Katumani Research Centre.

He worked as the Head of Socio-Economics and Applied Statistics Research Programme for over 8 1/2 years in addition to being a team leader in DFID funded research projects at Katumani. Currently, Dr. Kavoi is working with the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), based at KALRO-Katumani Research Centre. In his research career, Dr. Kavoi has written and won several competitive research grants. These include Kenya's National Commission for Science, Technology & Innovation grants (US$ 10,910); the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) through Bio-Resources Innovation Network for Eastern Africa Development (US$ 239,000); and the United Kingdom's Department for International Development (DFID)'s Crop protection Programme through the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) of the University of Greenwich (GBP ([pounds sterling]) 34,207).

He is a researcher with the ability to conduct participatory research into the social and economic aspects of the design, development, and analysis of agricultural technology and innovation dissemination approaches; farming systems characterization, and situational analysis. He has adequate capacity to carry out an assessment of sustainable livelihood development initiatives; assessment of the performance of agricultural innovation systems as well as information provision for priority setting. He has also adequate skills to develop extension and farmer training materials for community development as well as the ability to teach in public and private universities. He has served as an external examiner of Master of Science Theses and as a mentor/ supervision of Master of Science degree students and a reviewer of AJFAND journal articles. Dr. Justus Kavoi has published a number of peer-reviewed journal papers.


What Is the Difference Between a Good and a Bad Consultant?

I’ll give you an example about Henry Ford. When he ran Ford Motor Company and they were at the absolute peak, he would take a prospective executive, somebody who he was contemplating hiring, out to lunch. And if that potential executive salted his or her food before they tasted it, he would not hire them, because he thought somebody would make a decision impetuously without really assessing the problem, probably was dangerous.


Available Appointments on September 9, 2024

  8:00 am – 9:00 am3 spaces available
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